The Over Protected Child
What happens when we wrap children in cotton wool and don't let them explore their own limitations? Where do children safely explore risk-taking in a risk averse society?
Risk and adventure is slowly being designed out of children's lives. Can we use our theatre practice to design it back in.
We have created a show where risk, decision-making, creativity and adventure are at children’s fingertips. A show that gives young people true agency.
The idea of Almost Always Muddy is that the audience are invited to face what to them seem like “really dangerous risks” and then conquer them. It might be asking someone to help build something, lifting something bigger than anything they've lifted before, using new tools, or offering an idea to a performer to use in the story.
We have created a show where risk, decision-making, creativity and adventure are at children’s fingertips. A show that gives young people true agency.